Monday, August 30, 2021


 “OiNk I’m Ormie and I’m the world's most famous pig, at least that's what I think but what I was going to tell you was, today I woke up with an idea I thought what if I traveled around the world you may think how am I meant to do that im a pig, Yes I am a pig but this pig is a very talented pig I can talk but that’s not the only cool thing I can do as a pig, I can fly. You know how people talk about flying pigs and how they are fake. That's a load of rubbish because I can fly.

So since I  can fly, why not travel around the world? It would be a good experience. I’m also not going by myself. I'm bringing my wonderful friend…….. Data the dino. He's one of my best friends and my favourite but dont tell my other friends they’ll get mad. Back to the topic you're probably thinking well your  friend Data can’t fly can he? The answer is No but he has awfully long legs and he's as light as a feather so he can run across water”

We both listed out the places/countries we are going too:

1.China 2.Mexico 3.India 4.Russia and 5.portugal 

5 hours later...

Me and Data finally made it to China on our way. Data may have destroyed 2,653 houses.

Data roared “I'M HUNGRY!!”

“Wait till we get to Mexico we will have their tacos there they are REALLY good”I said

‘OiNk look there's a plane on its way to mexico right now we can sneak into someone's bag” I said

“But… I'm too big”Data said sounding sad

“Jump on top i’ll strap you down and fly next to you so you don't have to run there”

“All good thanks Ormie”

On their way there the plane crashed into the water.The plane exploded only Ormie survived well that's what he thought Data survived.

They both

thought that they should not continue with their journey and they lived happily ever after in the sea.



  1. Well done Jordy, tacos in Mexico sounds great.

  2. An interesting that journey Ormie and Data went on. You have added some twists in the story. Well done


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