Friday, May 8, 2020



  1. You have found some interesting facts about butterflies, Jordyn.
    The graphics you have chosen are great.

  2. Hi Jordyn! My name is Mia from Yaldhurst Model School. Awesome work! I really like your blog post, you had some really good information in there.

    Wow, I did not know that there could be up to 20000 butterfly species! That's a lot. I wonder how many colors of butterflies there are?

    To improve, maybe you could put in an introduction to your blog, so we know what you are talking about and get a nice warm, welcome to your blog.

    Excellent work!

  3. Hi Jordyn! I am Alvin from YMS I really like your blog post You have described the butterflys I didn't even know that there could be up to 20000 butterfly species! instead of adding GIFS you could draw some pictures yourself!. anyways Great Job!


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