Monday, August 24, 2020



First there is Coronavirus, If you’ve been watching the news lately, the chances are you’ll have heard lots about an illness that’s affecting people all around the world, called Coronavirus. Coronavirus is a viral flu that has spread all over the world and the number of cases have risen everyday. We even had to go into lockdown because of this virus. 

What happens when you get Covid-19?

When people get Covid-19 they will develop signs and symptoms including a mild fever.Most people infected with COVID-19 virus have a mild disease.Older people, and those with pre existing medical conditions such as high blood pressure, heart problems or diabetes have a higher chance of getting Covid-19.

Is there any treatment for Coronavirus?

There is no specific treatment for coronavirus. However, many of the symptoms can be treated. 

When and where did Covid-19 start?

Covid-19 started in Wuhan China in December 2019.

Second, there is the Spanish flu, a pandemic of 1918, the deadliest in history, which infected an estimated 500 million people worldwide, about one-third of the planet’s population. The 1918 flu affected Europe first then the United States and parts of Asia before spreading around the world. A person who touches something with the virus on it and then touches his or her mouth, eyes or nose can become infected.

A devastating second wave of the Spanish Flu hit American shores in the summer of 1918, as returning soldiers infected with the disease spread it to the general population, especially in crowded cities. 

Thirdly there is the Asian Flu pandemic this pandemic started in 1957, it was the second major pandemic. The Asian Flu outbreak was associated with variation and course of illness. Whereas some infected individuals experienced only minor symptoms, such as cough and mild fever. 

Fourth there is Cholera Flu. This is a 1854 Flu,theorists concluded that cholera was caused by particles in the air. If someone with cholera is left untreated it could kill him or her within hours, even very healthy people.To treat cholera the person with Cholera needs to have lots of liquids and salts. Cholera still exists in Africa and Southeast of Asia

Now I'm going to tell you the difference between a pandemic and an epidemic.

An epidemic is a local disease and a pandemic is a worldwide disease. 

In my speech I have covered Covid-19, Spanish Flu,Asian flu and Cholera.The biggest Pandemic that is going around at the moment is Covid-19. People also think that this pandemic is not going to end and will be with us forever.

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