Friday, May 15, 2020

My 2020 lockdown work


  1. Hello Jordyn,
    My name is Alan and I am from yaldhurst model school. I really liked your blog post. I really liked DLO showed all the information of your lockdown work.

    Maybe you can improve by writing something in the beginning like ' Hello my name is .......This is a DLO about all my lockdown ' work, Hope you like it.'

    Kind regards

  2. Hey Jordan,
    I am Mykiala from Yaldhurst Model School!

    This is a amazing blog post.
    I liked how you showed us in the DLO what you did in lockdown.

    Maybe you can improve by writing something at the top like hi I am... today I am going to be doing... and so on.

    Anyway great job!

    Kind Regards,


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.